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Are Product Managers ready for challenges in this exploding technology world? Rate yourself with the work stream chart below.

Product management is an intricate function and is really a confluence of Technology, Users and the Business. Some Product Managers (PM) love to use the venn diagram where they show that PM is the intersection of Users, Technology and Business and leave it at that. But I am a keen-eyed product manager, more organized and methodical and find that the PM work streams need to be spelt out a a lot more deeply.

As a PM, I really love this detailed work stream interactions (not my chart; if you need source, ping me) based triangular confluence below. It demonstrates why Product Managers have to keep an eye on so many stakeholder interactions and not just be writing out engineering specs and participating in stand-up meetings. It take a lot folks to get a good product out and then measure the success KPIs of the product post release. Maintain or kill decision post release is one of the hardest things to do especially when you have sunk in millions of dollars into your product management effort. Product Managers - are you ready for challenges?

I top 10 ranked these work streams in terms of the difficulty (from hardest to relatively easier) I have faced in my product launches and marketing efforts. 1 is hardest. 10 is Relatively easier.

1. Business Vision
2. Business Model Development
3. Product Roadmap
4. Budget
5. Monetization
6. Market Sizing
7. User Research
8. Strategic Partnerships
9. Design
10. Community Management

How have other product managers faced these work streams? I would love to know what you find your top 10 hardest to relatively easiest. Please write in comments below.


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