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Quantum Cloud Computing (QC) and Killer Apps built on it can help create products with life-changing feature experiences. So, what's happening?

I have always wanted to write an article that explained why I chose the Q-bits background image for my LinkedIn profile. For those who follow the evolution of quantum computing and know its intricate evolution path, they will readily see the disruptions a quantum cloud compute environment is all set to produce in the near-future. Others- mainly the skeptics, the curious and the uninitiated, please read on. I may end up changing your world view on Quantum Computing and what is can do for us, homo sapiens and the planet we inhabit. Of course, I am not saying we have the first Quantum Computer available for sale on an e-commerce site and SW vendors are shipping applications that run on Quantum computers. There is still the issue of non-availability of a taxonomy-defined instruction set needed to actually program Quantum Compute (QC) machines, even if the hardware could be prototyped. But, to think that articulating a quantum processor instruction architecture set is
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Read my new free e-book: "11 ways to feature boost your Software Platform to Delight and Monetize"

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Are Product Managers ready for challenges in this exploding technology world? Rate yourself with the work stream chart below.

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Quickly Landing pricing and sales strategies for worldwide audiences when footprints are as numerous as 200 plus local markets. And a happy 2015 to everyone.

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